lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

My blogging experience

My experience making these comments in the blog was very good, but always it will be a complement of the English learning. 

I enjoy writing from my subjectivity and personal experience and  share it with the rest of the course ... 
I also like to know what my classmates thought, their tastes and interests and ways of seeing the national scene. I think it was an additional way to integrate as a group of course, being that came from different faculties (at least me). 
What I think could be improved, it could be done as individual work at home and not in a computer room in order to take profit of that time in practice spoken English, something that Spanish speakers may fail more ... particularly  from Chile, because we usually are very shy to speak a foreign language. 

Also it can take another activities like group games, make an scene with a script and all that, read and history o something and later analyze that together. Probably, those can be a way to get more student  taking a class that begins at 7:00 pm!!! xD, yeah.

Highlighting what I said, I actually improved my English because I had to use much the translator xD, as well see if what I wrote was a coherent idea and how to use the words together. Fortunately we had the teacher who guided us when we had problems. 

Hopefully this will continue over the next year, but I hope it will not take up to 50% of our time in class attendance. 

I still have a free course to take in my career and I  want ti do it again in English, which aside from being able to learn, is a way to meet other students from other faculties. 
I liked to attend the Faculty of Arts and being with the students there. 

Thank you very much

The National Students Movement

Well, talk about the student movement since the focus of my faculty...
We have clear, profit in education was a fact long ago and really really delete it will cost. Many of our teachers are teaching at private Universities and they know how the things work there, what matters is the number of students and, maybe,  give them to believe they have good education ...and it really works, since many of these students come from really-bad-quality schools... any  kind of teaching look good to them, so it was difficult to realize themselves. What they will notice is the huge debt that they will have to pay when they graduate from their careers and the working world DISCRIMINATION seeing the stamp that will have its title. Has left the concept of "Illustrated unemployed" that a good way to express what is already happening.
What we believe, apart from eliminating the profit motive, is to implement a real public higher education, where the state takes over the state university. Accreditation systems to create real, serious and respectable standards ... accrediting agency so that there is at present, to the "University of Mapocho" accredited out more than one thing.
The measures proposed by the government are what they have wanted from their convenience although the state universities to help wasn´t their goal... but they believe that was the price of maintaining a robust private universities. But they never end the system of private universities ... be willing to take profits when the state implements a system of money per pupil allocation received, regardless of their score for selection ... ultimately, is keep the business profitable, no matter the origin of the money.
A few weeks ago we were afraid that the movement lost strength, which people were tired, we had lost against an authoritarian and intransigent. Fortunately the last march in Santiago showed that the movement is still standing, still strong enough to make a real change in education.
Hopefully this will improve, and I think it will.